About Us
Why Firewood?
100 Acre Firewood started as a business idea in 2022. Our family has owned a farm in Prince Edward County for 18 years and over the past 5 or 6 years we have seen our ash trees dying off - we looked at this as an opportunity to get into the harvesting firewood. Kicking this into high gear was HydroOne in Summer 2023 - they were clearing various trees from hydro lines on our road frontage. This clearing left us with a mess of 50 - 60 ash tree logs.(This is just getting us started on the ash trees that we have @ 100 Acre Firewood) I have been harvesting firewood in one fashion or another for 40 years or so... I remember being 10 or 11 and first cutting up firewood with my dad in PEC.
Owner History
My name is Chris Harris and in addition to buying our farm property 18 years ago I also grew up in PEC.(My full name is Christopher Robin Harris - not making this up - hence the 100 Acre Firewood Name... for the record I always loved Pooh and so did my 3 sons) In '92 I moved away from PEC to Toronto to attend university @ Ryerson to become a Public Health Inspector of all things. I never practiced as Health Inspector and instead got in sales and business development. Over the past 25 years or so I have worked @ various online businesses like: Chapters Online, Microsoft, Yahoo!, Bell, HomeStars and Kijiji. I have spent most of my sales/business development career @ Kijiji - employee #6 and over 10 years! I love the marketplace business and all the characters that I have experienced working in the space.
The Property
100 Acre Firewood is located in Prince Edward County on Big Island.(1334 North Big Island Road) Our property started off as about 180 acres of mixed agricultural land - mostly forest and hay fields. In 2022 we severed off 2X5 acre lots towards the back of the property. The left us with about 170 acres that we recently placed in the Ontario Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program in order to save on property taxes and also have a longer term plan for the forest. My wife Angela raises bees on the property and we try our hand(unsuccessfully) at having a garden every year.
Drone Shot of Overall Property:

During the building of our forest plan our forestry partner introduced us to the 50 Million Tree Program from Forests Ontario. This program will see us planting 37,500+ trees at our property and will vastly change the nature of our property. Myself and our family is excited to under take this project and appreciate the help from Forests Ontario to create this legacy. Here is the breakdown of the trees that we will be planting in Spring '24:
- White Pine: 20,000
- Norway Spruce: 4,500
- White Spruce: 9,100
- Bur Oak: 1,400
50 Million Tree Planting Plan:

Our Firewood
Firewood from 100 Acre Firewood is a mix of hardwoods but predominately comes from well seasoned Ash trees. Most of our ash trees have been standing dead for 2 year and we only keep high quality wood from the trees and season it after splitting for 1 year. We sell firewood in 4 different sizes for delivery: Full Bush Cord - Half Bush Cord - Face Cord and Half Face Cord. Our delivery service is only available for Prince Edward County - we deliver with a dump trailer and will stack the wood for additional cost. 100 Acre Firewood also supports scheduled pickup at 1334 North Big Island Road - please call or text before pickup. We also support credit card payment at time of pickup. At our roadside stand we will sell pre-packaged wood for campfires or local use.
The Firewood Business
100 Acre Firewood is new to the firewood selling business but NOT new to firewood! My family and I have been using firewood as our primary source of heating as long as I can remember and I have been cutting trees and splitting firewood for 40 years or so. To freshen up some of my chainsaw skills I took an ArborCanada training course in May 2024 and will be continuing on to do some more advanced course in the coming months. We are looking to bring a little bit of innovation to the firewood business with online ordering and credit card payments. In 2024 we are going to research and deliver subscription based firewood purchasing as well so that customers can spread their firewood costs across the year. You can follow our journey in the firewood business on YouTube - we will be learning a lot as progress through providing good quality firewood at reasonable cost for Prince Edward County residences. We also offer custom tree removal and onsite firewood processing services. Need a tree taken down? We've got the tools and expertise to handle it. Want your firewood processed right on your property? We'll bring our equipment and get the job done.
To harvest firewood at 100 Acre Firewood we use quality products(more on this later in blogs and YouTube videos) from :